How to invest?

1. Contact Mercapital Casa de Valores

Mercapital - ¿Cómo invertir? - Comunicarse con mercapital casa de valores

Fill the pre-inscription form below, either you have a clear idea to invest or need counseling to do so, in this case, our personal will present you the different alternatives.

2. Sending of documentation

Mercapital - ¿Cómo invertir? - Envío de documentación

You can fill the forms online, print, sign and scan and attach other documentation. You will need to send them to our office or if you prefer physically deliver them to our offices.

3. Investment decision

Mercapital - ¿Cómo invertir? - Decisión de inversión

Once you have taken a decision and sent the needed documentation. We will give you the instructions for the fund transfer and our traders will execute your transaction in the stock Exchange systems.

4. Investment made

Mercapital - ¿Cómo invertir? - Inversión realizada

You will receive the back up documents for your investment that you will need to sign them and send to our office.

5. Obtain profits

Mercapital - ¿Cómo invertir? - Recibir Ganancias

You will receive in an specific date your payments of interests or dividends, depending the kind of investment made and you will be able to reinvest them in new securities.


    Are you investing as natural person or legal person?:

    Natural personLegal Person

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