Available investments
PROCARSA | Short Term Corporate Bonds | AA | 359 days | 7.00 % Yield
Risk rating Firm : Class International Rating
Company description : Procarsa is dedicated to industrial activities in the field of cardboard production for selling or with them making cardboard boxes for transportation of any kind of product. The company is part of the Group SURPAPEL.

Class | Amount | Term | Interest Rate | Yield | Capital Payment | Interest Payment |
B | $304,500.00 | 359 | Zero Coupon | 7.00% | At expiration | n/a |
ORIGINARSA | Long term corporate bonds | AAA | 1440 days | 7.75 % Yield
Risk rating Firm : Class International Rating
Company description : ” The objective of the company is to operate the granting of credit of the concessionaire for the purchase of vehicles and originate automotive portfolio for its sale to financial institutions.”

Class | Amount | Term | Interest Rate | Yield | Capital Payment | Interest Payment |
1 | $4,000,000.00 | 1440 days | 7.75% | 8.25% | Trimestral | Trimestral |
RAYMOND WELLS | Long Term Corporate Bonds | AA | 359 days | 7.50 % Yield
Risk rating Firm : Global Ratings
Company description : ” It is a company that is oriented to create solutions to meet the specific needs of public security entities, with systems of high standards designed for Critical Mission environments.”

Class | Amount | Term | Interest Rate | Yield | Capital Payment | Interest Payment |
A | $163,300.00 | 120 | Zero Coupon | 7.50% | At expiration | n/a |
B | $203,300.00 | 180 | Zero Coupon | 8.00% | At expiration | n/a |
C | $1,090,000.00< | 359 | Zero Coupon | 8.50% | At expiration | n/a |